Witch Market III
Kom forbi til en magisk dag, når vi fylder kulturhusets store sal med håndlavede heksevarer fra okkulte og alternative designere og kreatører til den tredje udgave af Copenhagen Occult Clubs populære Witch Market.
Reader's Lounge
Træd ind i "Reader's Lounge", hvor ti forskellige læsere står klar til at tilbyde dig en række mystiske oplevelser. Uanset om du ønsker at få læst dine tarotkort, et indblik i dit human design-profil, en clairvoyant session, en auraillustration, en hurtig reiki-session, astrologiske indsigter eller en håndlæsning, finder du det her.
Der er fri entré til Witch Market III
(English description)
Looking for your opportunity to explore an array of mystical, spiritual and occult offerings? Then do not hesitate to join our market of witchy things. Serving up an abundance of exciting activities in partnership with the Copenhagen Occult Club. Handcrafted, mystical, magical, occult, spiritual & witchy things!
This is your chance to engage in palmistry & tarot readings, clairvoyance, healing, astro & reiki. To shop handcrafted witchy goods from occult designers and alternative creators. You can also visit our “Readers Lounge” featuring 10 different readers offering a variety of mystical experiences. Whether you are looking to have your tarot cards read, seeking a glimpse into your human design chart, a clairvoyant session, an aura illustration, a quick reiki session, enlightenment through astrology or a palmistry session, you will be able to find it here.
Free entrance
Praktisk info
Søndag den 16. februar kl. 10 - 16
Gratis entré
Kulturhuset Islands Brygge
Islands Brygge 18