Becoming Ivy: Choreographic games

The performance collective Becoming Species invites you to re-connect with the wild creatures we share the planet with. This morning you can become Ivy through choreographic games, which combine meditation and storytelling.

Have you been greeted by Ivy? They are everywhere. They can cause trouble as invasive species as the climate gets warmer, simultaneously indicating the ecosystem’s disturbance. They also teach us that ‘diversity is our survival.

Ivy’s tendrils tend to reach and coil different species to access more resources and better growth. Learning from Ivy who connects differences, we will reach, coil, and connect each other’s different images and thoughts into a shared landscape to create visions for our flourishing futures. 

We will play choreographic games: meditation, storytelling, echoing & transforming words, and movements to coil each other out.

The workshop is facilitated by choreographer Yeoung-Ran Suh and sound artist Rik Jespersen.

Practical information

Sunday, 11th May, 10.30-12.30

Location: Store sal, Kulturhuset Islands Brygge

The workshop will be held in English.



The workshop is part of a workshop-series by Becoming Species

Become soft like an octopus, fly like a bat, move like ivy, sense like a moth, and listen like an owl! Together with the activist performance group Becoming Species, we invite you to a workshop series on transforming into other species. The aim is to reconnect humans with all the wild creatures we share the planet with. The group uses methods such as movement, meditation, crocheting, mask making, nature therapy, sound, and more. Their practice grows out of play and curiosity about the wild species, and the fight for their right to exist and thrive.

All the other workshops will be in Danish.


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Arts-forvandling med Becoming Species

Becoming Octopussy: Hækleaften 
18/2 17-20 
Bliv en blæksprutte gennem blød meditation og hækling af blæksprutte-huer, sammen med protest-blæksprutte-bandet Octopussy Riot. Man behøver ikke at kunne hækle i forvejen for at være med. Vi sørger for garn og ekstra hæklenåle, men har du egne nåle og/eller garn, så medbring gerne. Aftenen faciliteres af kunstner Ida Dalsgaard Nicolaisen sammen med naturterapeut og cand.pæd. billedkunst, Stinne Hesthaven.   
Køb billet til Becoming Octopussy
Becoming Bat: Performativ meditation 
3/3 kl. 17-18.30 
Har du nogensinde forestillet dig, hvordan det føles at flyve og skrige i nattemørket? I løbet af denne time kan du blive en flagermus gennem perfomativ meditation med soundscapes af flagermus-skrig og poetisk oplæsning. Meditationen faciliteres af performancekunstner Linh Le med assistance af koreograf Ran Suh. 
Køb billet til Becoming Bat
Becoming Owl: Dyb lytning 
28/4 kl. 17-19 
Bliv en ugle gennem dybe lytteøvelser, hvor vi lader ørerne dirigere os. Vi indsamler lyde med field recorders, vi øver os på at slippe synet og forsvinde ind i lyden. Som uglen hører vi den mindste lyd. Aftenen faciliteres af lydkunstner og forfatter Rik Jespersen, med assistance fra kunstner Ida Dalsgaard Nicolaisen.   
Køb billet til Becoming Owl
Becoming Ivy: Choreographic games (In English) 
11/5 kl. 10.30-12.30 
Become Ivy through choreographic games, which combine meditation, storytelling, echoing words & movements to coil each other’s desirable future landscapes out.  
The workshop is facilitated by choreographer Yeoung-Ran Suh and sound artist Rik Jespersen and will be held in English. 
Køb billet til Becoming Ivy
Becoming Moth: En tilblivelsesproces i fuldmåne 
11/6 kl. 20-23  
Bliv en natsværmer og sværm i flok ud i Fælledens fuldmåne-skær. Vi sværmer sammen i nænsom sanselighed og udforsker nattens sommerfugle, der med deres korte liv symboliserer både død og fødsel og inviterer os til transformation og nye tilstande.  Vi indleder med en 30 min. guidet intro til at sværme. Aftenen faciliteres af Stinne Hesthaven, der er naturterapeut og cand.pæd. billedkunst, med assistance fra performancekunstner Linh Le.  
Køb billet til Becoming Moth


Kulturhuset Islands Brygge

Islands Brygge 18

2300 København S
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